Detective finds high quality prospects, identifies their pains and initiatives, and suggests relevant first touch messaging that resonates.
Precision-target your prospects and say goodbye to spray-n-pray, writer's block, and irrelevant outreach 👋
Uncover pain signals that help you tailor your approach and focus on the most promising opportunities
Skip the fluff. Identify insights that relate to the only thing buyers care about - their pains.
Implement a repeatable and scalable process with Detective, ensuring your sales team efficiently engages with prospects
Lead every personalized email, cold call, and social touch with real-time insight into your buyer's projects, and priorities.
Been burned by zero-adoption tools before? It's not "another place to go." Detective follows you wherever you prospect. Rolling out to your team is a snap.
Detective is filling the gap that market intel tools and CRM's don't meet. Since we got access, our team has been #1 the last 2 weeks after the Detective-driven meetings came in.
I can do my pre-call research "mid-dial" with
Best customer service of any tool I've used for sales prospecting. I'm not usually an early adopter, but the UI was so easy I fell right into using it before every call.